Thursday, 8 February 2018

07.01.2018 Pulau Carey Visit

Carey Island can be considered the home of raptors and other type of birds. It is quite an isolated place. Two common raptors that one can see here are the Crested Serpent Eagle and the Black Winged Kite.Both are often seen perching on the electric cables sunning themselves. I set off to the site morning itself. The first stopping was near a bridge, under a large rain tree.

An Indian Koel was busy feeding on the fruits of Cissus sp. I was quite impatient and keep on clicking on the birds, and the result was so bad. I am quite immature when it comes to camera settings on low light conditions. Birds were many but I missed most of them. I even had a chance to see a pair of Black Baza flying by, but unable to have a good shot.

I moved to another location under a large dead pine tree, where I find a pair of Black Winged Kite. Its quite a high perch. A lonely dollarbird was there too.Black Winged Kites usually haunt paddy fields but it is quite a different story here. Oil palm plantation in Carey Island do provide good source of food (rodents) to these kites.

Black Winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus)

Dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)
I moved again to the seashore hoping for some waders, but the tide was high. So I turned to the bushes along the coastal area and found a Pied Fantail looking for insects in the bushes. It finally showed itself to an open area and I able to take a shot.

Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
On my way back from Carey Island, I manage to see a Crested Serpent Eagle sunning itself while perching on the electric cable.

Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela)
I am not very convinced of the result at Carey Island due to my settings. I will make another visit once I have learn on the settings.

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