Tuesday, 26 October 2021

26.10.2021 - Global Big Day 9th Oct 2021 at Putrajaya Wetland Park

Greeting guys! I was on "birding from home" for two Global Big Day previously. On 9th Oct 2021, I had a chance to have it at Putrajaya Wetland Park. Started a bit late actually, arrived at the park at 9:40am. 

First to welcome me was an immature Oriental Magpie Robin, which posed very well for me before it flew away. I proceed to walk towards the Flamingo Pond, and heard the Brown Throated Sunbirds and Lineated Barbets.

An immature Oriental Magpie Robin

There was a fruiting tree, where two Lineated Barbets were busy picking up the fruits, joined by the Javan Mynas and a female Asian Koel.

A female Asian Koel.

I proceed to walk to the lakes. Surprisingly no water birds available, similar to my previous visits. Maybe I always come on wrong timing or what? On my previous visit I managed to get Grey Headed Swamphen. This time the whole place was quiet. 

I keep on walking till I reached the Pelican area. Along the way manage to get some common birds. The complete lists is available at ebird Malaysia.

Blue Tailed Bee-eater

A female Pied Thriller

A total of 24 species observed in an hour time here. 

Ebird Malaysia Screenshot