I guess the green pigeons are the first to welcome everyone visiting the botanical park, since they would be busy having their breakfast on the wild fruit trees at the entrance of the park.
A male Pink Necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) looking for Glochidion obscurum fruits. |
A male Pink Necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) |
Paddy plants had grown up. I could only see some JavaN Mynas and a lonely Little Egret at the paddy fields. I walked towards a wild fig tree grown in the middle of the field. I first sighted an Asian Brown Flycatcher, then suddenly I captured a very fast motion of a small bird. Very short burst of flight between point to point, foraging for insects. It was very fast till I hardly could get a good shot of it. Plus, the flycatcher also steals the show, I had to shoot both, one after another.
An Asian Brown Flyctacher (Muscicapa dauurica) ready to dart on its prey |
Asian Brown Flycatcher (Muscicapa dauurica) |
I know it must be a lifer. I need to get the field guide to identify it. I shared the photo of the lifer to my birding buddy Shazlan, and he wasn't that sure if its an Arctic Warbler. It was an Arctic Warbler. Small light brown bird with white eyebrow and a single white wing bar on each wings. Arctic Warblers are migrants from Siberia, North China, Eurasia and Alaska. They winter in South East Asia. Arctic Warblers frequently feeds on the canopy. This had made me even difficult to click on this bird. Although the field guide had mentioned that this bird is very vocal, yet it was quiet when I was clicking on it.
Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)....Lifer! |
Still hard to get a good click since this bird forage for insects at the canopies. |
This is the best I could get of that fast Arctic Warbler |
Then I walked towards the swimming pool in search of spiderhunters, but no luck. However, I manage to sight a Greater Racket Tailed Drongo, at just 4m distance. It was busy drying off its feathers, after a stormy night. I had to move early since the sky is getting filled with rain clouds, which gathered up like a large herd of elephants.
Greater Racket Tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus) |
Busy drying off its feathers after a stomry night |
Just before it tookoff... |